How to get mom in the photos | Philly family photographer
It’s no secret that when it comes to taking pictures of your own family, moms are frequently the ones behind the camera and therefore left out of the photo. That, or you settle for taking a selfie which results in a weird, unflattering angle, or your kid just stares into the phone which ruins the moment.
I’ve got a couple ideas for you to change this narrative, because it’s so important to be in your own family photos for many reasons (especially because when your kids are older, they will absolutely love seeing you in those photos).
1. Buy a mini phone tripod
You don’t need anything fancy. I have this exact one, and I bought it for around $12. It’s perfect because the legs are bendy, so you can hook it on spots that normally wouldn’t allow for just your phone to stand. It’s also nice because it’s inconspicuous and doesn’t take up much space when storing it. I’ve used it countless times since I purchased it, and it’s really upped my game of getting into my family photos (because yes, even I sometimes struggle to get into my own family photos!). It also comes with a bluetooth remote control, which I have yet to use, but I could see being super helpful so you don’t have to set the timer.
I used this tripod on Christmas to snap a quick family shot. I also used it when my sister and her large family came to visit. I’ve also set it up on a table and then got some candid videos of me holding my kids. It’s really been a game-changer for me when I can’t rely on anyone else to get the shot/video. But relying on someone else leads me into my next tip…
2. Have a chat with your partner
My husband literally has no concept of capturing a special moment of me and my kids. OK, I should clarify, had*. He has some awareness now that I’ve had many conversations with him about it. He now knows how important and special it is to me that he takes photos of me with my kids. When I initially told him that I wanted him to start being aware of it and to start taking photos of me with our kids, it was like I told him that aliens had just invaded and were coming to live with us. Ok I exaggerate, but until I had that conversation, I was setting myself up with false hope during special moments thinking he’d capture it, and then being mad at him when he didn’t. We’ve come a long way since then, but he’s still not great at it, which leads me to my final tip…
3. Come up with a code word
My husband still doesn’t automatically think to take a picture when I’m with my kids. So if there’s ever a special moment when I want him to take a photo, we use a code word. It can literally be any word. I just don’t recommend it being “picture” or “photo” because your older kids might pick up on this and it could ruin the moment. Or you could simply just ask them to take a picture, or use a hand motion. Just as long as your partner gets the idea.
I hope these tips and ideas help you get in your own family photos more, because they’re moments you’ll have to look back on and cherish forever!

I am a Philly family photographer giving my clients bright and genuine photos that they will cherish forever. To learn more about booking an in-home newborn session with me and becoming an MJP Family, click the button below. I can't wait to serve you!